Sunday, September 21, 2008

Manga Stabber

Police arrived on the scene of a woman next to a stabbed man in the middle of the road.
The woman was arrested for attempted murder.

During questioning, the woman named herself as a manga artist "Kobayashi Miki" [小林美樹] aged 31.
She said that when the man said that he wanted to break up with her, she got mad and stabbed him.
The man was stabbed a few times in the chest and sustained heavy injuries but is still alive.

Baka's Comments:

Yet another stabbing event in Japan. This time a woman who attempts to identify herself as a mangaka. Where is Japan with all these violent (and sometimes crazy see Akihabara Massacre) crimes? Its not the safe place i once knew it was D:

~another crazy good post by bakarang3r ♥

[story from dannychoo]

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